# Local Source


This page explores some advanced features.

Follow the steps below to create local manga.

  1. Place correctly structured manga inside the local directory located in Files -> On My iPhone -> Tachimanga -> local
  2. You can then access the manga in the Local source source.

If you add more chapters then you'll have to manually refresh the chapter list.

Supported chapter formats are folder with pictures inside (such as .jpg, .png, etc), ZIP/CBZ, RAR/CBR and EPUB. But expect better performance with directories and ZIP/CBZ.

Note: While Tachimanga does support chapters compressed as RAR or CBR, note that RAR or CBR files using the RAR5 format are not supported yet.

Note: If CBR or RAR files do not work, you may need to extract and re-compress them into one of the supported formats.

# Folder Structure

Tachimanga requires a specific folder structure for local manga to be correctly processed. Local manga will be read from the local folder. Each manga must have a Manga folder and a Chapter folder. Images will then go into the chapter folder. See below for more information on archive files. You can refer to the following example:

  • local/
    • Manga title/
      • cover.jpg
      • Chapter 01 - Prologue/
        • page01.png
        • page02.png
        • page03.png
        • ...
      • Chapter 02 - A hero's journey/
        • 01.jpg
        • 02.jpg
        • 03.jpg
        • ...
    • Other Manga title/
      • cover.jpg
      • ch001/
        • 01 - cover.jpg
        • 02 - first page.jpeg
        • 03 - second.jpg
        • ...
      • ch002/
        • 001.jpg
        • 002.jpg
        • 003.jpg
        • ...
    • ...

Note: Chapter and page names should be ordered alphanumerically, using zero padded name prefixes is usually the best option.

The path to the folder with images must contain both the manga title and the chapter name (as seen above).

# Archive Files

Archive files such as ZIP/CBZ are supported but the folder structure inside is not. Any folders inside the archive file are ignored. You must place the archive inside the Manga folder where the name will become the Chapter title. All images inside the archive regardless of folder structure will become pages for that chapter.

  • local/
    • Manga title/
      • ch1.zip
      • ch2.zip
      • cover.jpg
    • ...

# Advanced

# Editing local manga details

It is possible to add details to local manga. Like manga from other catalogs, you add information about the manga such as the author, artist, description, and genre tags.

To import details along with your local manga, you have to create a json file. It can be named anything but it must be placed within the Manga folder. A standard file name is details.json. This file will contain the extended details about the manga in the JSON format. You can see the example below on how to build the file. Once the file is there, the app should load the data when you first open the manga or you can pull down to refresh the details.

You can copy the following example and edit the details as needed:

    "title": "Example Title",
    "author": "Example Author",
    "artist": "Example Artist",
    "description": "Example Description",
    "genre": ["genre 1", "genre 2", "etc"],
    "status": "0",
    "_status values": ["0 = Unknown", "1 = Ongoing", "2 = Completed", "3 = Licensed"]

# Using a custom cover image


Starting from version 3.4, you can directly modify the cover within the app.

It is also possible to use a custom image as a cover for each local manga.

To do this, you only need to place the image file, that needs to be named cover.jpg, in the root of the manga folder. The app will then use your custom image in the local source listing.

# Encountering issues with displaying the cover image?


This issue has been fixed in version 3.4.

Please follow the steps below:

  1. Clear cache: More -> General -> Advanced -> Clear cache.
  2. Refresh local source: Browser -> Local source, pull to refresh.
  3. Kill the app and reopen it.